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Dubai 2.0
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Dubai - United Arab Emirates
Speculating Dubai's future urban growth, this project envisions a livable, hyper-dense city with cluster-based development, a green belt, over-water expansion, and strategic high-rise nodes
This project envisions the future evolution of Dubai into a more livable, hyper-dense, and ecological urban settlement. By analyzing the city’s existing layout, with its grid parallel to the coastline and major streets such as Sheikh Zayed Road, we propose a comprehensive plan for sustainable urban development, integrating ecological and technological innovations.
Key principles include:
Cluster-Based Densification and Growth:
Building upon Dubai's zoning patterns, we propose a cluster-based growth strategy that leverages land-plots and developer dynamics, ensuring organized and scalable development.
A Green Belt:
Introducing an ecological green belt that wraps around the city, integrating biodiversity, walkability, and agriculture, creating a wellness-focused, sustainable icon for Dubai.
Emphasizing Grid Layout:
By enhancing major streets with increased vegetation, we propose car-dominant streets, while other streets are treated at a more human scale to encourage pedestrian movement.
Over-Water Development:
Expanding urban growth into coastal areas, we propose leveraging technologies for over-water developments, creating a vibrant and sustainable waterfront for Dubai.
Strategic Highrise Development:
Pinpointing specific nodes for future high-rise construction to support Dubai’s growing urban density.
Large-Scale R&D Center:
A major research and development hub is envisioned in the northeast, focusing on driving future innovation and urban solutions for the city.
Firas Safieddine
Honorata Grzesikowska
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